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The Gandhi Rosa Parks Spiritual Exhibit

The Parliament of World's Religions invited Rev. Zenji Nio who was featured in a film that had its premiere at the same time and adjoining hall as Oprah Winfrey's Belief. Furthermore, Rev. Nio curated what the Parliament described as "the most comprehensive exhibit ever held on the spirituality of Mahatma Gandhi" who influenced future leaders from Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela to Barrack Obama and David Cameron. Shri Karunamayee who personally interacted with Gandhi raved about the exhibit as being "an extremely rare and precious gift to future generations" and confimed that Gandhi gave the Lotus Sutra the highest place in prayer sessions. 


Obama's words on Gandhi:


"I am mindful that I might not be standing before you today, as president of the United States, had it not been for Gandhi and the message he shared with America and the world. As just as he summoned Indians to seek their destiny, he influenced champions of equality in my own country, including a young Martin Luther King."


Gandhi's words on Buddhism:

"I feel even proud of being accused of being a follower of Buddha and I have no hesitation in declaring I owe a great deal of inspiration to the Enlightened One."

"I read Light of Asia (Buddha's biography) with even greater interest than the Bhagavad Gita. Once I had begun it, I could not put it down"...

"Buddha therefore reinstated God in the right place and dethroned the usurper who for the time being seemed to occupy that White Throne".

"Gandhi began and ended each prayer session by paying homage to the Lotus Sutra" - Mahadev Desai, longtime assistant to Gandhi & reiterated in Gandhi's official prayer book used by disciples.


The Lotus Sutra was also the favorite text pf Rosa Parks - another Buddhist who changed the world and is the scripture that Tina Turner credits as catapluting her from the nadir of despair and a failed suicide attempt to the world's biggest rock concert ticket selling superstar of all time!



Japanese priests

Rev. Nio is an expert in Japanese spiritual traditions used by the Samurai

Buddhist Churches of America

Rev. Nio is finding ways to make Eastern spirituality cool and exciting for today's youth.

Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra has inspired Gandhi, Rosa Parks and Tina Turner as well as General Ieyasu.

Great Zenmasters

Rev. Nio with one of his advisers from the Jogye Order of Zen meditation.

Bodhidharma - Samurai & Shaolin

Rev. Nio met with Zen leaders to work out how the Shaolin & Samurai prototypes as well as the uber cool Bodhidharma can inspire the youth and mainstream

Power of Art

Rev. Nio uses art to inspire motivation and spirituality....

Female Empowerment

Nio promotes female equality & empowerment in religion.

Meditation Expertise

Rev. Nio's expertise in meditation has been praised by many Buddhist leaders.

Social Empowerment

Rev. Nio met with social workers to discuss ways to empower those oppressed by the caste system.

Gandhi's protege

Gandhi's protege Karunamayee said Nio's work was a great gift to future generations.

Prince Shotoku

Rev. Nio & Rev. Miyaki-san discussed the importance of Prince Shotoku who founded the world's oldest constitution

Canadian Screening

Rev. Nio was featured in a film that premiered opposite Oprah Winfrey's "Belief"

Samurai Center & Panam Buddhist Mission

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