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Comments on Rev Nio's Speeches from International Experts
"Rev. Nio is the new Martin Luther - a reformer and revolutionary!" - Chaplain Johnson, formerly Yale University, now George Washington University.
"Zen Nio is exactly what America needs today - someone who can reach the mainstream for whom the mysticism of monks just doesn't cut it" - US Civil Rights icon Gerald Durley, associate of Martin Luther King Jr. and President Obama.
"Nio takes mindfullness and meditation to a whole new level - his unique expertise in Eastern philosophy and Western motivational speaking makes him the Deepak Chopra meets Tony Robbins for the next generation " - Colleen Coman, financial guru and Chair of Investments, University of Toronto.
"I am particularly impressed by Zenji's eloquence" - MP John McCallum, Minister of Immigration and former Dean of McMaster.
"I would like to pay tribute to the vision, words - powerful words - and actions Zenji has been taken for years now on behalf of this nation and have now reached a very high watermark!" - Chris Alexander, then Minister of Citizenship & Immigration.
"Nio's ideas are so great - I want to share them with the world", A. Berrigan, United Nations veteran.
"Nio's work is a great gift for future generations" - Karunamayee, protege of Mahatma Gandhi at the Parliament of World's Religions highlighting Gandhi's veneration of the Lotus Sutra.
"We are inspired with his ideas, incredible values and power of speech!" - H. Lee, working for Hillary Clinton's campaign and an ambassador for the Korean American community
"It is very rare to come across a speaker who is so good that he can lead an army. Zenji is such a speaker! He exudes such positive energy that it lights up the room and everyone in it" - Dr. Nick Pairaudeau, Lecturer at University of Toronto and Beijing, consultant at North York General Hospital on Nio's speech on Canada's role in the G7 with then Minister of Finance, Joe Oliver.
"Defense Minister Jason Kenney's speech was good but then Rev. Nio came and BLEW US AWAY! He was phenomenal and you can feel the impact he has on each and every person in the room" - Linda Robbins, organizer of the event for patriotism.
"Very Enlightening, Very Worthwhile - everyone in the audience feels the same" - the Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Acting Prime Minister of Canada.
"I would like to thank Zenji for his inspiring words..." - MP Paul Calendra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper
"Bravo! Bravo! Zenji's knowledge is an inspiration for everyone. A great expression of true values! Warm wishes Zen for all you do - and you do a lot" - James George, friend of Dalai Lama, engineered entry of Tibetan Buddhists into Canada.
"Not since the Dalai Lama have I come across a Buddhist speaker who can engage the Western audience in such an endearing and effective manner" - Chander Khanna, IONS coordinator who has chaired Zenji's speaking events at Toronto City Hall and Civic Center, associate of Swamy Veda.
"Not even the Masters Program at Delhi University conveys the level of knowledge that Zenji possesses..." -Ashok Bhatia, son of Vimal Chander who worked with B.R. Ambedkar on drafting India's Constitution.
"Rev Nio is a truly excellent speaker - this experience is something I will always remember. I've read many books on Buddhism but learned more in a single speech by Rev - Hon. Jean Augustine, former Minister of Multiculturalism and Women's Status, founder of Black History Month and an inspirational figure to all Canadians of African descent.
"Nio is to be envied by all who speak publicly. To speak without notes and then not only rise to the audience's highest expectation but surpass it is truly special. His presentation taught me more in several hours than all of my travels to Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and China. A truly memorable experience that I wish all could experience" - Doug Dickerson, Deputy Mayor, City of Pickering.
"I strongly recommend Zenji as a powerful speaker and Buddhist leader with rare expertise in representing the oldest and original Buddhist traditions of India. His unique and visionary use of creative platforms - from international films to historic art exhibits enables Zen to connect with a far wider audience than the traditional scholar and he can therefore impact many more lives of all faiths and generations. An avid researcher, Zenji an articulate new information and perspectives with rare eloquence and he is an authentic voice for the global Buddhist community" - F Yegul, Executive Director, Intercultural Dialogue Institute - one of Canada' foremost national organizations. Other keynote speakers at IDI events included Peter Milliken, Former Speaker of the House; Jack Layton, former Leader of the NDP; popstar Loreena McKennett, Phillip Crawley, CEO of the Globe & Mail and Premier Kathleen Wynn.
Zen uniquely combines Eastern philosophy with Western motivational speaking and his keynote marked the first time that an Indo-Canadian was given such a platform. Zenji was also honored as the only expert from the Brahmin Buddhist lineage that brought Buddhism to China, Japan, Tibet and across Asia" - Indian Express
"Truly remarkable, truly inspiring - I am overwhelmed" - Akhilesh Mishra, Consul-General of India and Sanskrit expert.
"Zenji - the foremost expert in the world to possess original manuscripts of the most important Buddhist texts in history quoted from multiple scriptures in both Sanskrit and Pali to show how almost everything about Buddhism in the West has been misrepresented.... The world's most significant Asian art collections are at the British Museum, Met and North American Museum of Asian Heritage and Art.... " - "India's Foremost Religious Experts Shine at World Conference, - Indian Express"
"American Civil Rights Leader Gerald Durley said Zenji is exactly what America needs today!... As an expert in Buddhist traditions, Zenji challenged and corrected many myths about Buddhism in the West by quoting from dozens of scriptures including Lotus Sutra, Nirvana Sutra, Lankavitara Sutra and Pure Land sutras followed by the majority of people in Japan, China and the Far East as well as the Sutta Nipata and Majjhima Nikaya accepted by the majority of South-East Asia ... much to the delight of his captive audience". -- The Weekly Voice, Canada's largest South Asian newspaper
"The final keynote address was given by highly sought-after speaker Zenji... who eloquently represented the majority of peoples from Japan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan - all dubbed the world's most advanced nations by TIME Magazine. Zenji gave a rousing ovation to the peerless influence of Buddhism in the history, art, literature and culture of Japan... and highlighted the need for Westerners to better understand Mahayana Buddhism - the dominant religion of China. - Official UN Report,
"The Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins of his generation" - Colleen Coman, Chair of Investments, University of Toronto.
Obviously a highly regarded authority on Buddhism. I absolutely see Nio becoming one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time. I am so inspired by the depth of his passion to keep Buddhism thriving and relevant". M, Miner, Wa Thai (America's largest Buddhist temple).
Nio-san is the most outstanding speaker on Buddhism - his knowledge is incredible! - Sid Ikeda, member of Japan's largest Buddhist congregation Jodo-Shinshu of Hongwanji Kyoto, recipient of Rising Sun Award by Emperor of Japan.
"Even though we are all Buddhist in Japan, we still learned a lot from Nio-san and this Exhibit." T. Yoshimoto, Consul of Japan.
"I really enjoy hearing Zen speak. It is rare to hear someone who has acutally lived out his beliefs. He is an inspiration!" - C. Hawks, Institute of Noetic Sciences.
"I listen to speeches all the time and no speaker compares to Nio" - C. Dantu, Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"When I hear Zenji's passion and commitment I feel proud that here is someone who can do an even better job at representing Indian spirituality than any of the older gurus" - Amar Erry, Canada's highest Hindu leader and head of Vedic Center
"As a leading expert in India's philosophy, religions and traditions, Zenji is able to communicate his rare research and expertise in a manner that will appeal to anyone with an interest in wellness and universal altruism". - Daraius Bharucha, Leader of the Zoroastrian Community
"Rarely have I come across a Buddhist of Zenji's caliber - a committed Buddhist who actually walks the talk. It is my experience that the better you are, the more there are ready to take barbs at you. And I know Zenji is strong enough to take on one and all dhammically" - Professor Sugunasiri, President, Buddhist Council of Canada.
"Zenji became the first Indian to give a keynote address at the Queen's Park of the Legislature... also performed the prayer service at a diplomatic event attended by eminent statesman and the Minister of State for External Affairs.... The rousing keynote address was given by acclaimed expert on Indian heritage, Zenji who elaborated on the many reasons why Albert Einstein dubbed Buddhism the "religion of the future" and how Buddha first enunciated universal equality as well as equal rights for women and minorities that are today the hallmarks of Western societies. Zenji also cited the famous example of Buddha rescuing a swan with the message - "true strength lies not in taking lives but in saving them - and therefore every day someone stands up for those in need and against bullying in all forms, they honor Lord Buddha." - Canada Officially Proclaims Wesak Day, Zenji Gives Rousing Ovation at Queen's Park, Washington Bangla Radio