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With Prof Sitansu Chakravarty of Vishwa Bharati, Shantiniketan & Akhilesh Mishra, IFS, Head of ICCR & other cultural ambassadors
Spiritual & Cultural ties between India & Japan comprises a Dharma Alliance
Indian leaders such as Tagore & Vivekananda (both friends of Tenshin) as well as even PM Modi have been effusive in their praise of Lord Buddha as "the Crown Jewel of India". In honor of the friendship of all 3 of these spiritual and cultural icons, we promote friendship and amity between Sanathan Dharma and Mahayana Buddhism of the Samurai. PM Abe said that "Buddhism is the sutra that binds India and Japan together." Furthermore, it was at Vishwa Bharati that Tagore and Tenshin dreamed of this Indo-Japan Samurai Center and in the same tradition, as well as that of Nalanda, we promote Buddhist-Hindu amity & cooperation.