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The Main God of Nalanda was Lokeshwara with a thousand arms -- and this God became Senju Kannon -- the main deity of the Samurai even seen on their armour.
The most authentic revival of the Mahayana Buddhist Tradition of Nalanda.
Nalanda was the first international university in history and the greatest ever Center for Mahayana Buddhism and Indian, Asian and World civilization as a whole. It also became Ground Zero for the Buddhist holocaust -- the worst genocide in history where every trace of Buddhism was wiped out of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and the Maldives. The Samurai preserved the tradition -- even defending it against invaders when needed. We are thus the only organization in the world that is reviving the true Mahayana tradition by upholding the Mahayana sutras of Nalanda -- via accurate translations of original Buddhist Hybrid Prakrit and Sanskrit writings -- and teaching the Mahayana worship practices of Nalanda that anyone can perform in their own homes -- without relying on any "lamas" or monks. While Tibet and Sri Lanka have also tried to revive the Nalanda lineage, Japan is the only legitimate heir as Nalanda was strictly a Mahayana tradition which rejected the Hinayana and firmly denied authority to any lamas -- instead placing sole authority in the Mahayana sutras such as the Lotus Sutra. Today, Japan has near 100,000 Buddhist temples including the world's most popular Sensoji Kannon, and most widely visited Kiyumizu-Dera and Rengeoin, as well as the world's largest temple Todaiji inaugurated by Indian saint Bodhisena aka Baramon Soho. Hence, while we appreciate other attempts to revive the Nalanda legacy, we are the only organization doing it in an accurate and authentic manner true to tradition. We are also pleased that Rev. Nio became the first Buddhist priest in 1000 years to teach the Lotus Sutra in Sanskrit in the ruins of Nalanda. The Indo-Japan Samurai Center is deeply motivated by the spirit of Nalanda -- as well as the Samurai that kept the tradition alive.